Got sleep?

Who else sleeps with a fan/sound machine/humidifier like we do?

Sleep is foundational. It is one of the areas we discuss the most in our doTERRA community, because it is something just about everyone who uses oils wants support with. Managing my anxious feelings since childhood, I am the queen of sleep disturbances. Hours to fall asleep at night as a teenager and young adult. My mind racing like a browser with 1,457 tabs open.

I am finally sleeping well thanks to the habit architecture with this doTERRA lifestyle and my trusty white noise.

But traveling to hotels is usually a trigger. My anxious feelings tend to creep back. We all sleep with a fan on at home and the white noise is something my body is accustomed to. Asking the hotels for fans and they usually say no.

Well, gritty girls get it done because this is the year I’m working on all the things I overlook. And I can change them. Behold, my new bff for travel- this little pocket-sized USB-rechargeable white noise machine that I am thrilled with because #allthethings. Snag it up here from my Amazon favs!

And of course my don’t leave-home-without-it secret sleep weapon- my bottle of Copaiba softgels. ALL the copaiba. Two of these before bed and it’s lights out. Thank goodness the limit increased to 4 of these per person per month! Calming my anxious feelings so I can restore my body each night to the best of my ability.
Dynamic duo in my luggage. I am ready to rock the week in Mexico, and I am setting my intention for the best sleep away from home I’ve ever had.