June’s promos are splashin’!

DoTERRA June promotions

Y’all. Pinch me! Kids home from school? Need to tame the summer tension? It’s never been easier! The June promos have me in disbelief and total glee because it’s like Christmas morning every 1st of the month! I take time to reflect every time a month ends and a new month behins. The joy of welcoming 67 new families to our oilsquad in May is truly immense. From all over the world to kick chemicals to the curb with my team’s leadership and doTERRA oils– I am grateful. As if that weren’t enough of a glitter bomb to the soul, when I checked my email this morning, I was blown away.

DoTERRA is so generous and makes it easy to pay it forward in service to others. Sitting in gratitude daily for my leadership team— when I see them honoring their commitment to low toxin living my heart explodes. They lead alongside me in alignment. Today we breathe fresh summer air into new opportunities to lead and serve in June. June is for taming tension & streamlining summer. Yes please! As always, I’m your oil fairy back to bring the virtual goodie bags!

Tap my video below to learn how to tame the summer tension this month. June wellness challenges are also in full swing! Be sure you’re entered!

The winner receives 2 Shades of Stone artisan oil holders. Because spOILing my tribe is my favorite! Details in our private community page because I love you so and you need #allthethings! Jump in anytime to win the raffle from ME! This month’s specials have me and 7.5 million other doTERRA oilers storming the interwebs!

✅Free Summer Savory (new oil!) w/qualifying customer wellness box by the 15th. But that’s not all!

✅15% off OnGuard cleaner concentrate all month long.

✅ But that’s not all! FREE Balance, Aromatouch, and PastTense with a $200 order either for current customers or new customers!

If you’re already in doTERRA, contact whoever brought you to oils for a wellness check-in and to craft your 90 day health goals, and you will get the support you need!

Want to learn more about ditching the chemicals and use oils instead? Reach out for a complimentary 1:1!